Care tips

Great news: the better you care for your treasured products, the longer they last.
The extra good news is that it’s not even hard stuff to do. Here are some easy ways to keep your favourites with you.

-  Always use a non-colour spray protectant before using your leather item and repeat treatment two times a year if you use it often.
    -  Keep leather soft by treating it with a clear non-greasy leather balm or moisture. Make sure to test in a non-visible place, as leather qualities reach different to this treatment.

      -  Remove stains from your leather items with a dry or slightly moisturised soft cloth.  Test on a non-visible area in case colour is rubbed off.

      -  Never use large amounts of water, as it might result in blemishes or discoloration of natural leather.


      -  Pay special attention to your suede item if it gets wet, as moist might make colour rub off. Let it dry at room temperature, while it stays on a non-absorbent surface.

      -  Use a special soft suede brush to remove light dust and spray it with a non-colour spray protectant regularly to make your item more water and dirt repellant.

      Eel skin

      -  Keep your eel skin styles away from sunlight and heat, as the delicate surface might lose colour or be otherwise damaged.

      -  Should your eel skin item get wet and wrinkle, you can smooth the leather, by ironing it gently with a cloth in between.